Food Insecurity


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The Economic Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as “a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food.” According to the 2017 New York City Food Metrics Report (pdf), nearly 15% of the city’s population was classified as food-insecure in 2015 (the latests available data). Brooklyn had the greatest percentage of food insecurity, at 18.8%; Staten Island had the lowest percentage of food insecurity, at 9.4%.

The primary purpose of this web site is to point visitors in the direction of listings for frontline and policy organizations that work to reduce food insufficiency in the five boroughs of New York City and beyond. Special attention has been taken to include links relevant to CUNY’s community college students, as students at two-year post-secondary schools are particularly vulnerable to food insecurity.

Below are more resources to visit if you are interested in learning more about food insecurity and the people and organizations who are working to eradicate this problem. If you are interested in reading articles related to food insecurity, please visit the Food Insecurity in the Media section of this web site.

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